Why give to the University of Tennessee Pride Center?
Since the Tennessee State Legislature defunded the UT Pride Center, it’s upon alumni and friends of the university to take action. Luckily the existence of the Pride Center on campus is a priority for UT’s leadership. So much so, they're asking the Volunteer Nation to permanently endow the Pride Center to guarantee its rightful place on Rocky Top.
Without private funding, LGBTQ and questioning students will likely end up with nowhere to go for support, fellowship, and guidance. It’s critically important that we come together and send a loud, clear message to current and future students that Vol Means All.
Please share this site with anyone who cares about diversity and equality.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please send your check to:
UT Foundation
1525 University Ave
Knoxville, Tn 37921
Please include a note indicating your gift is for the Pride Center Enrichment Endowment.
For more information, contact Chad@ChadGoldman.com

As a physical symbol of UT’s commitment to diversity, the Pride Center provides support, resources, and a community space for UT’s LGBTQIA and ally students, faculty, and staff, as well as anyone who seeks to learn about topics related to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression. The UT Pride Center achieves this by sponsoring programs and events that raise awareness, increase visibility, and provide education regarding LGBTQIA issues. Go to pridecenter.utk.edu for more info.

Events & News
Campaign Launch a Success!
The Vol Means All campaign kickoff was a great success last week. The media coverage was strong and the over $300,000 raised set the pace for reaching our ultimate goal. It’s a very good sign that we raised over 10% of our ultimate goal in a single night!
It's clear evidence that people really care about this cause.
Attendance was robust with a mixture of local Nashville UT graduates, friends of the university, and fair-minded people who want to help. Notably, UT’s Dean Theresa Lee of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Students Shea Kidd Houze, US Congressman Jim Cooper, and Chancellor Beverly Davenport were in attendance.
We are so encouraged by the launch response that we’ve decided to take this show on the road! We’re certainly going to hold similar events in other cities where there are concentrations of UT grads. In the next few weeks, we’ll also be starting our social media outreach to drive contributions from donors nationwide.
Vol Means All in the News
Contact Chad@ChadGoldman.com for more information.